Being Team-mom and Team-dad
As we are wrapping up another competition season from Youth team to Varsity it is a great time to self-reflect. This is something we ask of our gymnasts on a daily basis as a means to improve and be self-aware, but I think as adults we need to be sure we are doing the same for them. Collectively we must choose our words carefully to avoid being counter-productive, because we remember that these gymnasts are taking our voices and applying them in their own heads. Our Coaching staff is guided on selectively chosen corrections; "don't fall", "don't stick your head out", "your feet are flexed", etc. are all negative statements in which gymnasts are hearing nothing but negativity. Instead we use like phrases "bend your knees", "butt down", "keep your chin down", "point your toes", something they can correct and apply without negative connotations. The same must be applied by our parents and while parents are...